A Bridgend school has received a £1,000 boost towards a life-saving defibrillator machine on site.
Cefn Glas Infants School, on St Winifred's Road, has secured the money from our West Wales region through the Community Champions scheme.
Each month Persimmon donates up to £64,000 to good causes across the UK, including up to £4,000 in Wales.
The school wants to install the defibrillator at the school, which would be available to the public, as well as outdoor fitness equipment.
Defibrillators are devices that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. They can also restore the heart’s beating if the heart suddenly stops.
Louise Connolly, of Cefn Glas Infants School’s PFA, said: “We are very grateful to Persimmon for their generosity.
“Having a defibrillator on the school site will ensure that lifesaving treatment can be administered quickly and efficiently in an emergency, without waiting for paramedics or trying to source a defibrillator from another site.
“We hope the situation never occurs but, if it does, this piece of kit could be life-saving.
“Sonia Thornton, a member of staff at Cefn Glas Infant School, raised around £2,000 by running every day in February, so this money from Persimmon will be added to that.”
Sharon Bouhali, sales director at our West Wales, said: “We’re pleased to be able to support Cefn Glas Infants School through our Community Champions scheme.
“It’s so important that defibrillators are available. It’s been proven on many occasions that these devices can be life-saving.
“Congratulations to the school for managing to raise so much money already.”
Stunning new homes are currently being built in the Bridgend area at Llys Ystrad in Cefn Glas and Tir Y Bont in Coity.
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